Today, after voicing my frustration to an insurance company, I received the following reply, in writing, from a service coordinator.
pride and passion in service
Today, after voicing my frustration to an insurance company, I received the following reply, in writing, from a service coordinator.
‘My philosophy is that a company is doing well not when the Management is happy but rather when the Customer is happy. Moreover I expect reasonably good service from my own service providers and hence I have a moral responsibility to extend the same to my customers‘….before he proceeded to solve my problem.
Whilst I was delighted beyond description, I also pondered: what is it that allows this chap to epitomize service? Naturally there are outstanding individuals who personify excellence, yet sad to say no many! So with the majority in mind, I pondered deeper, reflecting upon the external drivers that this chap was immersed in everyday.
1. Could he be surrounded by a reward system? Possibly, yet would it capture every single email and response he sends?
2. Could he be provided the competence and confidence by the environment? Most likely, with training and coaching.
3. Could he be allowed to make mistakes? I would say this response has developed over time, allowing learning to refine any ‘mistake’ into such a ‘jewel’ of a response.
4. Would he be ‘on the bus’ of the company vision, sharing it enough to want to make it happen?
I would guess most definitely, seeing where he’s taking the company every single day!
Pondering brought the one final question – what would have brought all of those into his environment. Nothing short of a great leader, one who walks his talk, demonstrates by example, is in touch with the customers and staff….and the list goes on!
Can we please bottle this magic formula, one that clearly places ‘connection’ at the center of customer service? Congratulations Tom – the business world needs more of you!
Debbie Nicol, Managing Director of Dubai-based ‘business en motion’, and creator and author of the ‘embers of the world’ series, is passionate about change. She works with both traditional and contemporary toolkits that move businesses and executive leaders ahead, whilst working on leader and organizational development, strategic change and corporate cultures.