Learn how to create a culture of Leadership

The Leadership Challenge®
For organizational and individual leaders who seek an easy-to-use, credible leadership methodology to face challenge and change.
For in-house trainers, or contractors, who wish to embed this methodology into entities and organizations.
For those who see value in driving change through the value-added Leadership Practices Inventory Tool as an impetus for development.
Build your culture of Leadership from the base up
Want to include team members in Leadership initiatives but can’t afford the investment and downtime across the bulk of the organization? To clear roadblocks, a short, sharp, personalized LPI-based, fully-integrated 4-hour learning experience now complements the existing multi-level The Leadership Challenge portfolio options. It aims to empower those without title, team or position to make a difference, shifting from ‘I’m just doing my job’ to ‘I have a chance to make work around me better’.

Debbie Nicol, a Certified Master of The Leadership Challenge®, Certified LPI® Coach and Certifying Master Mentor, delivers The Leadership Challenge® learning experience to local and global corporations, through her company 'business en motion', a Wiley Global Training Partner.

Jim Kouzes' and Barry Posner's 'The Leadership Challenge' is a leadership development program and leadership methodology containing a set of five leadership practices and thirty leadership behaviors, set within a research-based framework that helps us all perform to our potential! The 5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership(R) include Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act and Encourage the Heart. These practices transform:
Kouzes' and Posner's LPI®: Leadership Practices Inventory® is an evidence-based, rigorously-tested 360 assessment instrument. It serves as both an assessment and development tool to help liberate the leader in everyone, at every level, in every organization.
Explore more with downloadable resources from Wiley - 'Leadership Makes a Difference slides and The Leadership Challenge - Sample Chapter.
Have you worked for a leader like this, or dreamt to do so in the near future?
the five practices of exemplary leadership®

are you...?
- An individual wishing to invest in your own leadership development
- A Corporate leader wishing to build awareness of leadership in yourself
- A Corporate leader wishing to build a culture of leadership in your workplace
why not consider the research
you'll benefit from these differences
how 'business en motion' can help you
'business en motion' - highly experienced in leadership development facilitation and coaching (Global Training Partner of The Leadership Challenge®, an ACC-accredited coach, a member of ICF, and a certified, Wiley LPI® Coach) has now formulated flexible learning paths for you.
Individual Development Pathway
Organizational Implementation Pathway
You cannot lead others until you can lead yourself. The above options will develop skills-based leadership. Should you seek inner leadership, click here to review Executive Coaching.