eLearning is digitally-enabled material, facilitating the process of either one-way or interactive, two-way learning. eLearning serves important than the essential change of behaviour.
See where this service comes in the diagram
Quite often companies need to record a message, provide policy updates, gain sign off for codes of conduct, give new guidelines and rulings, efficiently provide facts consistently across regions, introduce new people to techniques and company standards, announce results and differing priorities etc (with or without a quiz). An e-tutorial is a great way to do that, and, just as an .mp4, can be shared easily through file transfer or embedding into webpages. Click to view a few sample files.
our elearning course on Udemy
technology-based simulations
Simulations can be built for most in-house technology-based applications, with the participant accessing the online learning through either a Corporate Learning Portal (with or without an LMS).
learning communities - social constructivist learning with moodle
Corporate Learning for companies with broad geographical spread can benefit greatly, when folk from all parts of the company learn together online, with little downtime from work, and much sharing of company tacit knowledge. Today's learner enjoys making meaning, and the Moodle LMS facilitates this environment. 'business en motion' provides Strategic Alignment of the Moodle environment, Instructional Design. Online Facilitation for both skills and knowledge-based learning activity and Course Building in the Moodle environment.
rapid learning resources
eLearning, sometimes referred to as online learning, can mean many things to many people.
Rapid Learning Resources can be designed, built and upgraded quickly, and suit dissemination of compliance information, along with review and evidence-based summary questions. These may be published to web, and may be accessible through any LMS (Learning Management System).
a 'business en motion' success story
a. goals
- To be a major partner of the establishment of an global, online corporate academy (to date over a 6 year period.

b. critical actions
- To co-create the strategy
- To provide senior stakeholders with expectations of roles
- To integrate the academy into all corporate functions, and all corporate functions into the curriculum
- To set the curriculum and revise every year
- To gather input into the ROI each learning experience is bringing
- To update the modes to multi-mode operation

c. results
- The academy has become the central transmission centre of the organization. Year on year, 10% increase in participant numbers. Governing body notes impact of academy on centralization and decentralization within the organization.