The value the Design and Development phase brings to any Learning or Training Intervention should not be overlooked. Awareness of the audience, environment and expectations of outcomes will have great influence over the design and development; without full consideration to this, an intervention may not be able to serve the intended outcomes.
See where this service comes in the diagram
our design and development services include:
- Instructional Design services.
- Design and Development of the learning experience, delivered and evaluated prior to handover.
- Professionally designed print-based learning resources.
- Pre and post work around the learning experience.
- Branding of the learning experience.
- Production of multi-media learning resources.
- Train-the-Trainer for in-house team members to deliver the learning experience.
a 'business en motion' success story
a. goals
- To cement an additional corporate behaviour and priority
b. critical actions
- Purpose of intervention documented and KPI's agreed upon
- Gathering of all relevant media from in-house that would support the content
- Categorized content into 'must-know', 'should-know', 'ould know' and 'nice to know'
- Mapping out of the technical concept pictorially, in a mind-map; embedded a change concept into the package; gained agreement
- Applied the ADDIE model to the creation of the content structure, interactivity, methodology of delivery and evaluation (4 levels)
- Double checked linkages of the KPI's to the content
- Created all relevant learning materials:
- Lesson plan
- Train the trainer version of the lesson plan
- Workbook - Worked with in-house designer
- Resources
- Printer in digital and hard copies
- Rolled out the 'train the trainer' of the Corporate Training Squad
c. results
- A rollout and change initiative that had 89% successful application in the first 6 months, as measured by monthly reports of those who applied and those who did not.